Welcome to Keep Moving Mobile RV Repair!

CALL US TODAY : 254-522-9777

Whether you use your RV a few weekends a year or live in it full time, we can help. Many RV dealership service departments are backed up and can take weeks, if not months, to get to your unit. That's where we come in. We come to you, diagnose the problem, recommend the needed repairs, and once we get your approval, get it done there on the spot.

We serve the Central Texas area from Hillsboro south to Salado, and from Grosebeck east to Gatesville. Outside that area? That's ok! Call us and let's find a way to get you fixed up. Click the button above to fill out your info. We'll call you to discuss solutions.

Heating & Cooling

Whether you're too hot or too cold, we can find the problem and recommend solutions to fit your needs!

Water Heaters

When you need hot water, you want it now. We can service or replace your water heater so you have hot water at the tap.


Absorption Refrigerators can be tricky to get working well. Let us fix it up and get it cooling again!


Slide outs, roofing, seals, and more. If you have a problem with it, chances are we can help.

Maintenance Schedule

Most of your RV requires regular maintenance. We can put you on a schedule to make sure your rig is ready to travel when you are!


Some electrical problems are simple to find. Other times, not so much. We can find it and fix it so you don't have to!

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Credentialing provided by the RVTAA as a Certified Technician. The RVTAA is the premier RV Technician credentialing association and requires technicians to adhere to standards, promote professionalism, and engage in annual continuing education.